Alpha 14, some gameplay and visual changes

A few gameplay changes to end the game earlier, increase weapon classes specificities mostly for AA, and make wheels and tracks easier to tell apart. With a few bug fixes.

Destroy the CC

The most impacting change for this version: the game ends when the command centre is destroyed. This building is generaly far inside the base. When derricks, factories or generators are destroyed to open a path to the command centre, the game is generally already over.

The command centre got an HP boost to increase the difficulty of sneaky attacks. When starting with no base, players have 2 minutes to build their command centre, with one minute required to build it with 2 trucks. When playing in team games, a player also has 2 minutes to rebuild their CC after it was destroyed to avoid being out. This leaves the player with a penalty and reduces the effectiveness of a coordinated and quick combined attack on a single target.

Anti-air class traits

Anti-air weapon of each class were modified to have more singularity.

Machineguns keep their polyvalent role, with their AA weapons being able to target both air and ground units, but with a slight reduction of their rate of fire compared to their ground-only counterpart. Their effectiveness as pure anti-air is limited, but they also bring support on ground.

Rockets have a dedicated VTOL AA, which is lighter than the same on ground and with more ammunitions. Rockets have the best aerial weapons for sudden strikes.

Missiles are slower, with a relatively short range, but deal the most damage by far. If they don't cover a wide area with a slightly higher cost, a small number of anti-air defenses are suffiscient to secure a strategic area. Missiles don't provide aerial capabilities, but have the best anti-air defense.


To increase difference between wheels and tracks, the speed of tracks was reduced by about 20%. This difference makes wheels easier to use in skirmishes with more retreating capabilities, and makes tracks more suitable for defence or sieging.

In the visual side, a new 3D model is available for Nova and all anti-air weapons fire blueish projectiles. All ground projectiles are yellowish. New models were set for tracks and wheels to add more visual difference and make them more easilly recognizable between them and between size-variants.

A few bugs were corrected, an error with Nexus AI at maximum difficulty and a desynchronization bug on games with advanced bases.

Full changelog

Gameplay changes

  • Game ends when CC is destroyed, 2 minute delay for no-base and team games
  • CC HP 1500->1800, cost 500->600
  • Track weight 200->300
  • AAMG2 cost 75->100, firepause 6->8, can shoot air and ground
  • AAMG3 cost 150->200, firepause 4->6, can shoot air and ground
  • Weight of VTOL AA rocket medium->light
  • VTOL AA rocket attack runs 2/8->4
  • VTOL rocket attack runs 4->1
  • AA missile weight medium->heavy
  • AA rocket emplacement cost 220/330->250/375
  • AA missile emplacement cost 250/375->220/330, HP 200/250->225/280

Visual changes

  • Blue anti-air projectiles, yellowish ground ones
  • New 3D model for Nova
  • New 3D models for wheels and tracks

Bug fixes

  • Error on insane Nexus AI
  • Removed unused null.pie
  • Fix desynchronization on advanced bases
  • Minor starting script update from Warzone 2100 4.5


wzbattleplan-2.0.14.wz 268 kB
Nov 14, 2024 37 kB
Nov 14, 2024

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